What do you think is the most common form of identity theft?

Saturday, May 31, 2014

How long will it be until federal database with 227 million Americans' financial data is hacked?

Share your thoughts...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Great Story From A Fellow Identity Theft Advocate

This story isn't about identity theft but the person who this article is about and the posted interview is someone within the company I represent. I encourage you to take a look and let me know what you think.

From the Fox Business Channel's Willis Report...

The Willis Report: Bouncing back from financial hardship to achieve success 

Talk to me...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


(Not me...:)

Today, I'm feeling kind of confused.

Here's why. A close friend of mine told me a story abut being in line at the bank the other day. While in line, he could hear a conversation going on between a bank employee and a lady who apparently just had her identity stolen and used by someone.

Now my friend listened because he was recently a vicim of identity theft and had a lawyer from a provider law firm contracted by his identity theft service. This lady was distraught and the bank employee, who turned out to be the manager, really couldn't offer any real solutions. Now, she will get the charges reversed, but her identity is still out there being used and the bank could do nothing to help her with that.

Armed with the identity theft service my friend just bought, he approached the lady on her way out and offered her information on his awesome new service he just signed up for, who actually would fully restore this ladies identity, if she had it of course.

shockingly the lady looked at him and said, "No, I don't need that." Amazing! she was in the bank distraught about the identity theft that had been perpetrated on her and the bank could really do nothing to stop it from happening and SHE SAID NO to a service that would protect and restore her back to where she was before the id theft.

I remember an episode of 20/20 where a guy on the street from the show stood on a busy New York City corner trying to give away a $100 dollar bill. Yeah, I said "trying".

He couldn't give the $100 away to save his life. What is wrong with people?

What would you have done if my friend, who is very sharp and professional and happens to be a pastor, approached you and offered you information about how to solve your identity theft issue? The very issue that you just learned the bank can't help you with...WOW.

Everyone needs to at least know what the options available. I suggest, and of course, I'm just an Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist, so my suggestion means nothing, send me an email and let's talk about real solutions that will protect you, your business and your employees...

My email is frankroberson@me.com

Talk to me...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Week Begins...

As Sunday comes to a close, we plan for a productive week ahead by writing out our goals and preparing for meetings.

Some will be traveling and others driving. If you are in a major metropolis, then your drive is considered travelling. Which I am glad I don't have to go through.

I want to wish all a great week and hope that you make some conscious decisions to be extra careful about your personal information.

Shred your bills, don't throw away old hotel key, don't give anyone unauthorized your social security number.

Let's talk tomorrow...

Got Protection?

Stolen Identity Used For ATM Withdrawals

   (Picture from article)

Everyday it seems as though we are hearing of new improved ways that identity thieves are stealing identities and OUR money, benefits and even our freedoms...

This is another example.


Every business owner I advise or group of employee I speak to is worked about this epidemic. It may be funny to say "they can have my identity" but in reality, those are the people who believe identity theft is ONLY credit related.

I promise you that whether you have awesome credit or horrible credit, you can still be charged with a crime, have your benefits from work stolen from you and your precious IRS refund spent by someone else...it's time to realize this is bigger than you think.

I am here to answer questions and help guide those who see the danger inherent with this issue and get them on the right track to prevention and, god forbid, restoration if you are a victim.

Talk to me...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Medical Identity Theft

Wow! most don't realize the exposure they have for identity theft from their medical information. Yes, Medical information.

Check out this article from Albany, New York. This person got caught, but how many others out there don't even know they are victims...


Tell us your story...

Friday, May 16, 2014

Get Protected Today!

Tax Related Id Theft, Really?

Today's topic is tax related identity theft. Anyone here been a victim? know one?

How did you handle it? how much did it cost you?

Check out this news article about this important issue...

Tax Related Identity Theft Not A Victimless Crime

Frank is a Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist that consults with business owners and employee groups to mitigate the damage caused by this national epidemic.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Child Identity Theft

Child ID theft is a very serious but very overlooked area of this issue.

Most people don't realize that credit bureaus don't register the age of an applicant until the application for credit has been submitted.

So even though your son or daughter may be 5 years old, a thief in Florida who applies for credit with your child's social with set your child age with his.

Now your 5 year old is 25 in the eyes of the credit bureaus...now how do you fix that? A lot of hours and a money.

The average cost is $500 and 30 hours to fix.


After checking out this link, let's talk about protection and restoration options...

Hello, Blogger World....

Well, today is my very first blog post. Before this week, I could spell the word blog but here I am.

This blog is going to be fun and interactive. I look forward to hearing your stories, good and bad, about your experiences with identity theft...

I will give you stats, stories and even options to protect yourself from this national epidemic.

So, to kick this off, I want to start by sharing a video introducing myself...


Let's start sharing and talking and blogging....