What do you think is the most common form of identity theft?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hello, Blogger World....

Well, today is my very first blog post. Before this week, I could spell the word blog but here I am.

This blog is going to be fun and interactive. I look forward to hearing your stories, good and bad, about your experiences with identity theft...

I will give you stats, stories and even options to protect yourself from this national epidemic.

So, to kick this off, I want to start by sharing a video introducing myself...


Let's start sharing and talking and blogging....


  1. My parents are in their 80's. They have no computer so don't shop online. They have no cell phones, not even a debit card. Someone stole, from the mail, a check or checks and made their own checks with my parents' bank information on them and passed several successfully. The only way they noticed was going over the bank statement and found checks to places they were not familiar with. Their credit card was also used in Florida another time. It took days and weeks for them to get it straightened out. I can't imagine how difficult that would be for a person with a full time job and little or no extra money to cover themselves in the mean time!

  2. Anonymous,

    Your story is a very common story. As most still believe id theft I credit only, people are losing their social security, life saving and even their freedom...

    If you asked 10 people the best way to fight this, all would probably say something different. Everyone seems to claim they know how to protect you and even fix it.

    As a Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist (CITRMS), I meet with employee groups and business owners and constantly heat the horror stories.

    Id theft effects more than just the victim. When the employee has to take time off work to deal with police reports, filing claims and worrying, they also lose time at work. Now, they may have personal time off (PTO) or sick leave to cover their pay but, what about the employer.

    The employer loses productivity which ends up on the short end of lost profits. In the case of medical identity theft, lives are in danger. you may ask...Really? Lives in danger?

    Real life example...Id thief has a baby in a hospital in a state you have never been to but gives your drivers license or social...maybe even your medical card. The surgery, procedure requires blood. This thief is not the same blood type.

    So not only do YOU have to prove you didn't have a child yesterday, which could take as many as three days! seriously.

    but next time you go into the hospital YOU need blood but wait! Your blood type is actually that of the thief...

    Do you think its a problem if you receive the wrong blood type in your body?

    Real story of identity theft of medical information...

    This is a scary epidemic and your back isn't going to be able to help you in the situation i just described...Capitol One can't get you out of jail fi your arrested for a crime you identity thief committed.

    What do YOU think your options are?

    Let's talk...
